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A Dragon Fly Sublime


» A Dragon Fly Sublime «



Melted Collage

62 x 44 cm || 24.2 x 17.2 inches

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2014 Kunstsaal des Kunstvereins Kreis Soest "Minor Mundus Petrolei"
2014 LWL Warstein "Mensch entfalten"

The Poem Canvas"
paint me a poem
and I'll canvas you a rhyme
of tenderness and joy
and a dragon fly sublime
who met a butterfly of night
bathed in earthtones and light
they flittered and they flattered
twittered and mattered
leaving mothdust
to bathe the earth crust
and annoint the flakes
as they baked
to their glitteryness white
making everything right
for a moment in time
so paint me a poem
and I'll canvass you a rhyme
of tenderness and joy
and a dragon fly sublime
who met a butterly of night
bathed in earthtones and light.
[Yolantha Harrison-Pace]