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Sketch of Heinz


» Sketch of Heinz «



Digital Drawing

2415 x 2181 px

Mailanfrage   Nach Oben.

Sketch of Heinz


» Sketch of Heinz «



Digital Drawing

2415 x 2181 px

Mailanfrage   Nach Oben.

In Privatbesitz

Heinz Kargel


» Heinz Kargel «



Digital Drawing

2415 x 2181 px

Mailanfrage   Nach Oben.

In Privatbesitz

And The Illusion of Dogs (Un Chien Andalou XV)


» And The Illusion of Dogs (Un Chien Andalou XV) «



Öl auf Leinwand

45 x 45 cm || 17.6 x 17.6 inches

Mailanfrage   Nach Oben.

2016 Soest: "Kunst im Bunker, SoestArt 2016"
2010 Museum Abtei Liesborn

Poems for this painting by Yolantha Harrison-Pace
Hell hath no
fury as a woman
in comparison to
one never touched,
old spinstered
and forlorn;
for the tales
she weaves
will unnerve
and deceive
every mother's grandson
ever born

is only sacred
when the sacred
is spared sacrifice.
the ultimate order
of the alter
is woman

"Circle Spinners"
she spins
in circles
she is not woman
she is anti-man
an artistic mutation
of lipstick
and surgical glands.
the proud invisible
stitches prove
neither is she man

"Photo Montage"
the photo montage
danced from the page
she was a ready made,
an assemblage
of rapes mutilations
that gendersized her
as politically

it used to be
war that
disgusted her
now it's the disgrace
of the spoils
of love

"The Sky Fell"
pieces of the sky fell
splatting her
leaving ultra destruction
she couldn't duck.
she recognized the smell.
it was hell
the phoenix
spreading its stench of love.

Andalusian dogs wear two legs
hunt and tarry
where cats carry
secret lips
and follicle chips
of beam me up scotties
and terrier terrors
soothed with droopy
eared eyelids
and aphrodisiac squids
that lure in medusa
like ways spinning
yarns of love lore
that adore only the
one spinning the web.

the dog inside her
wags its tail
at the fish bones thrown
her way
she searches rotten
tomatoes for seeds
to renew and self start
her heart